By Gadiola Emanuel - 7:22:00 AM

Mr. Nice
Mr. Nice
When I first heard that Mr. Nice was making a comeback with Grandpa Records, I wrote on this blog and said it was never going to be a story, Mr. Nice will never make a come back in Kenya. I remember arguing about this with DNA’s sister, Tina Kaggia and I told her to just watch how the story unfolds. Well, just last week I talked to her and she said I was indeed right and that Mr. Nice has proven to be the most difficult artist Grandpa Records ever came across.
Now, Mr. Nice has found another record label to try and work with him and see if he makes a come back. Well, the story is the same. Mr. Nice has talent but lacks discipline to keep calm when a little attention and money comes his way. Now I lived in Dar es salaam for a while back in 2010 and I know a few things that maybe these record labels do not. I will not really go into details but I have to ask you to consider a few questions.
With an industry that is so big, why is it that Mr. Nice is not trying to make his comeback in his own country where his kind of music is more appreciated? His kind of music appeals to very few people in Nairobi, so maybe he would be better off going to Dar or Mombasa, but he will try to blame each person he works with.
Mr. Nice has a serious drinking problem and he refuses to admit it. He also gets excited too easily by attention, especially from women.
My advise to record labels, work on new talent. There is a lot of that in Kenya, let the uncontrollable Mr. Nice find himself something else to do. I repeat, Mr. Nice will never make a comeback in

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