By Gadiola Emanuel - 12:53:00 AM

1. Know your workplace negativity.
Knowing just how much negativity is there in your workplace can help you identify how to address it. Talk to your co-workers; ask them to give you feedbacks on how the workplace is for them. From there, you will able to pinpoint the sources of negativity.

2. Allow space for input from the workers.
Give your workers control over their job. This will give them security and prevent resentment from them. It is important to include the workers in the decision-making process.

3. Establish venues for opinions.
Give the workers a venue to air their opinions about the company guidelines and policies. This will make them feel important and significant parts of the workplace.

4. Recognize the effect of change.
Changes in company policies such as benefits, salaries and work hours must be directly discussed with the workers. Understand that these things directly affect the lives of your workers. Addressing them directly will help them understand the reason for such changes.

5. Ensure fairness and consistency.
Be fair and consistent in applying rules and guidelines. Do not make unnecessary rules, this might make your workers feel belittled, especially when only a number are behaving in such a way that you need to make new policies. It is important to have reasonable expectations of your workers. Make this known to them in a respectable manner.

6. Make information known to others.
Try not to keep pertinent information from the workers. This will help them feel important in the workplace. Rumors will be suppressed when there is transparency.

7. Create trainings, team-building seminars and workshops.
Invest in the workers’ emotional and psychological well-being. This will give them an opportunity to grow as individuals. It will also be helpful to give them career advancement opportunities. This will keep them motivated.

8. Make the organization merit based.
Rewards and recognition are duly given to hardworking and performing individuals. Make them take pride in their achievements. This will help them appreciate their role in the workplace.

9. Make mission, vision and goals known to the workers.
Doing this will make them aware that, they are part of something bigger. this would be nice to know for individuals who work hard everyday. When these things are made known to the workers, eventually, they will learn to incorporate this to their attitude towards work and their colleagues.

10. Respect the time of the workers away from work.
Affording them their break times and avoiding overtimes as much as possible will prevent them from disliking work. These people also get exhausted; break times and their personal time are there for a reason. The purpose of which is to energize and recharge them. Depriving them of these privileges will only make them resent work.

11. Finally, always remember that these are adults you are dealing with.
Do not treat them like a child. They would appreciate it if you communicate with them with respect. Do expect them to behave as adults and they will make these expectation their own.

Effective communication in the workplace is necessary for productivity and smooth operations. People will get along well, when respect and appreciation is practiced in the workplace. It is important to eliminate negativity in the workplace. This can be done by effective communication skills. When you reduce negativity, communicating will be easier and much clearer.

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