Life & Times
Ryan Joseph Wilson was born in Cardiff to Lynne Giggs and Danny Wilson. He later took his mother’s surname after her separation from his father.
He lived in Cardiff until he was seven, before moving to Manchester in 1981 as his dad was signed up to Swinton’s Rugby League side. It was a move he disliked, not least because the local kids mocked his Welsh accent, which he soon lost.
Giggs played for England schoolboys, leading to the myth that he rejected England in favour of Wales, his international team. Ryan explains: “There was no choice. I played
for England schoolboys because I went to school in England. But I was born in Wales, as was my mum, dad, and my grandparents. I may speak with a Mancunian accent, but I’m Welsh through and through.”
In school, the speed and balance he’d inherited from his dad made him stand out in playground football matches. His break came at the age of nine when a Manchester City scout spotted him in a game for Grosvenor Primary School. Ryan was invited to City’s School of Excellence, but, bearing in mind his staunch devotion to the red half of the city, always wore a red shirt, even thought the coaches frowned upon it.
Birth Certificate shows that we were born
A Death Certificate shows that we died
Pictures show that we lived!
Have a seat . . . Relax . . . And read this slowly.
I Believe...
That just because two people argue,
It doesn't mean they don't love each other.
And just because they don't argue,
It doesn't mean they do love each other.
I Believe...
That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
I Believe...
That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I Believe...
That true friendship continues to grow, even over
The longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I Believe...
That you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
I Believe...
That it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
I Believe...
That you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I Believe...
That you can keep going long after you think you can't.
I Believe...
That we are responsible for what we do,
No matter how we feel.
I Believe...
That either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I Believe...
That heroes are the people who do what has to be done
When it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
I Believe...
That my best friend and I, can do anything, or nothing and have the best time.
I Believe...
That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down, will be the ones to help you get back up.
I Believe...
That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I Believe...
That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I Believe...
That it isn't always enough, to be forgiven by others.
Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I Believe...
That no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
I Believe...
That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but, we are responsible for who we become.
I Believe...
That you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life Forever.
I Believe...
Two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
I Believe...
That your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.
I Believe...
That even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you - you will find the strength to help.
I Believe...
That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
I Believe...
That the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.
By Gadiola Emanuel - 2:24:00 AM
Boss shocked by Keane exit
Sir Alex Ferguson has expressed his dismay at the shock resignation of Roy Keane from the Sunderland manager's post.
The former Reds midfielder stood down on Thursday, just two days before he was due to bring his struggling Black Cats side to Old Trafford, and his former manager is unsure what the future holds for the enigmatic Irishman.
"Sunderland without Roy is a surprise and a pity," Sir Alex told his pre-match press conference. "We just wish Roy well because he was a great player here. It's difficult to say whether he'll be back or not, he's an incredible controversial character. He was controversial, even as a player he was exactly that, but a fantastic player.
"Very few managers last more than three or four years with a club nowadays. It’s getting shorter and shorter, the lifespan of a manager with a club. The can move on to other clubs of course, with different challenges, but it’s a very precarious industry."
The fact remains that United must still rise above the unexpected change in circumstances, and Sir Alex is confident of building on last weekend's Manchester derby win.
"I don’t know what to expect," he said. "I do expect my team to show the concentration and focus they had last Sunday. That was Manchester United back, I’m sure of that.
"Last Sunday I was forthright about our performances in the first half and second half of games this season. First half performances have been magnificent, but losing focus has certainly happened. Certainly at Everton we threw two points away. We couldn’t go on that way, we had to win last Sunday and thankfully we did."
Mapenzi salama
Kama unahisi uko tayari kufanya mapenzi, au tayari unashiriki katika ngono, ni vyema kuchukua tahadhari. Hakikisha katika harakati zako za kufanya mapenzi, unajali afya yako kwa kufanya ngono iliyo salama. Inaweza kuwa vigumu, na jambo unalolionea haya kujadiliana na mapenzi wako, swala la uwezekano wa kuambukizwa magonjwa ya zinaa, na kutumia njia za kuzuia mimba.
Lakini kulikwepa swala hilo kwaweza kumaanisha kuhatarisha afya na maisha yako kwa jumla. Kufanya mapenzi salama , maana yake ni kutafakhari maswala hayo na kisha kuchukua hatua zifaazo.
Ni nini?
Kufanya au kupiga punyeto, ni tendo la kutomasa sehemu zako mwenyewe za siri ili kujisisimua kimapenzi.
Kwa hivyo katika kupiga punyeto hamna hofu ya kuambukizwa magonjwa yanayosambazwa kupitia ngono, kwani haimshirikishi mtu mwengine.
Punyeto ni toshelezo kamili la kimapenzi kama utatumia njia mbali mbali za kujitomosa na kujipa papasa ya kujistarehesha.
Hakuna mtu anayezaliwa akijua jinsi mwili wake unavyoitikia msisimko wa kimapenzi. Inakubidi kujifunza kwa majaribio salama.
Na, kwa vile kila mtu yuko tofauti, njia nyengine ya kujua jinsi unavyoweza kumstarehesha mpenzi wako, ni kujifunza kutoka kwako mwenyewe.
Shughulika zaidi na sehemu ambazo zinasisimka kwa urahisi.
Unaweza kufikia kilele cha starehe yako kwa kuitomasa tomasa mboo au kisimi, lakini kutakupa hamu kubwa na ashiki, na kufikia kutoshelezwa vya kutosha, kama utapapasa pia sehemu nyenginezo za mwili wako.
Kwa nini punyeto huonekana kuwa makosa?
Msimamo wa dini nyingi na watu wengi ni kuwa punyeto ni dhambi, mwiko, jambo lililokatazwa, jambo lisilokubalika kabisa.
Lakini wanasanyansi wanasema ni jambo salama kiafya na dhana zilizopo kulihusu, ni imani za kibinafsi na chaguo la mtu.
Wanaume wengi na wanawake hupiga punyeto maishani mwao, kwa sababu huwafanya wakajisikia vizuri na huondoa dhiki za mihemko ya kimapenzi bila kujiingiza katika ngono na mtu mwengine.
Pia hofu ya kuambukizwa magonjwa ya zinaa, ikiwemo virusi vya HIV ni kichocheo tosha kinachopelekea baadhi ya watu kupiga punyeto.
Njia za kuzuia mimba
Dawa au vifaa vya uzazi ni baadhi ya taratibu zinazotumiwa kuzuia mimba kutungwa. Ikiwa msichana au wanamke atafanya mapenzi pasi na kutumia mojawapo ya mbinu hizo basi, kuna uwezekano wa theluthi moja kwamba atapata mimba.
Hata hivyo aina yoyote ya kuzuia mimba utakayoichagua ni lazima itumiwe kama ilivyoagizwa, ili kuleta matokeo ya hakika.
Baadhi ya njia hizo kama vile kutumia kondom wakati wa ngono, pia kwa kiasi fulani humpa mtu kinga dhidi ya maambukizo ya virusi vya HIV, na magonjwa mengine yanayoathiri afya ya uzazi.
Kwa vile mbinu za kuzuia uzazi ni za aina tofauti tofauti, ni muhimu basi uchague kwa makini ile inayokufaa. Utapata usaidizi wa kitaalam kama utashauriana na daktari wako, au pata usaidizi katika kituo cha kwenu cha upangaji uzazi, au kituo cha vijana.
Mbinu za kuzuia mimba (Contraception)
Hivi ni vifaa au dawa zinazotumiwa kwa minajili ya kuzuia mimba kutungwa wakati wa kufanya ngono.
Kuna zile zinazotumiwa kwa mda mfupi na nyengine kwa mda mrefu. Nyengine hufanya kazi papo hapo na nyengine huitaji maandalizi ya mda.
Kondom au tembe maalum ndizo njia bora zinazojulikana zaidi za kuzuia mimba.
Pia kondom zina manufaa bora zaidi zinapotumuwa kwani mbali na kuzuia mimba zinapotumika kama inavyopaswa zinaweza pia kumkinga mtu asiambukizwe vurusi vya HIV, na magonjwa mengine ya zinaa.
Tuangalie kwanza vifaa vya kuzuia mimba.
Moja ya mbinu bora na rahisi za kuzuia mimba, ni kuweka kizuizi, kwa lengo kuwa mbegu ya mwaname na ile mwanamke zisikutane. Kwa maana hiyo kifaa maalum kinaweza kuwekwa katika njia inayotumiwa na mbegu ya kiume ndio isilifikie yai la mwanamke.
Baadhi ya vifaa hivi (hasa kondom) pia vinaweza kukinga kuambukizwa virusi vya Ukimwi, na magonjwa mengine ya kuambukizana kupitia ngono.
Kuna aina kadhaa za vifaa vya kuzuia mimba. Kondom za wanaume na zile za wanawake ndio vifaa vinavyofahamika zaidi, hata hivyo kuna pia vifaa vyenginevyo viitwavyo diaphragm na caps kwa kimombo ambavyo vinaweza kutumiwa na wanawake.
Kondom za wanaume: Hivi hutengenezwa kutokana na aina maalum ya mpira uitwao latex, au plastiki nyembamba. Kondom ya mwanaume huvaliwa kwenye uume iliyosimama, tena kabla ya uume kuingizwa ukeni. Ikitumiwa kama inavyotakikana inakadiriwa kuzuia mimba kwa asilimia 98.
Kwa kawaida kondomu hupatikana kwenye vituo au kliniki za upangaji uzazi, kwenye maduka ya madawa au hata maduka ya kawaida.
Kondomu za wanawake: Halkadhalika hutengenezwa kwa mipira laini ya latex au plastiki nyembamba maalum. Huvaliwa ndani ya uke, huku sehemu iliyowazi ikichomoza nje kidogo. Kwa kawaida kondom za wanawake ni ghali, na pia utendaji kazi wake unakadiriwa kuzuia mimba kwa asilimia 95.
Aina nyenginezo na vifaa vya kuzuia mimba huwa hazipendekezwi kwa vijana lakini ni vyema kuvijua.
Kuna aina nyenginezo za vifaa vya kuzuia mimba viitwavyo diaphragms na caps. (tazama michoro) Hivi hutengenezwa kutokana na kitu kiitwacho silicone au mpira laini maalum. Vikiwekwa ukeni hutumika kama vizibo vya kuzuia mbegu za mwanamme kupenya hivyo basi haiwezi kukutana na yai la mwanamke.
Kwa kawaida caps ni ndogo kuliko diaphragms lakini kwa vile wanawake pia wana maumbo tofauti, ni sharti upate saizi utakayokutosha. Hapa ni sharti upate usaidizi wa daktari wako, au muuguzi, kuiweka.
Inapowekwa mahali pake ndani ya uke, iwe diaphragm au cap, huziba kilango cha mfuko wa uzazi hivyo basi mbegu ya mwanamme haitapatanafasi ya kupita. Ukishaonyeshwa na daktari jinsi ya kuipachika, baadae unaweza kuipachika mwenyewe kabla ya kufanya mapenzi.
Kwa matokeo bora zaidi, diaphragms na caps hutumiwa pamoja na dawa iitwayo (spermicide) ambayo huuwa mbegu za uzazi za mwaname. Hapo diaphragms au caps humpa mwanamke kinga dhidi ya mimba kwa asilimia kati ya 92 na 98. Hata hivyo itachukua mazoezi ya muda ili kuvitumia itakikanavyo. Wakati mwengine pia hutumiwa na gel yake maalum lakini bado havina hakikisho la asilimia moja kuzuia mimba.
Faida yake nyengine ni kuwa, kwa kiasi fulani, vinaweza kukinga dhidi ya magonjwa ya zinaa na saratani ya (cervix) lango la nyumba ya uzazi.
Ikiwa wewe hutumia vifaa kama diaphragms au caps, au hata kondom, ni vyema kujipangia mapema ndio usikose akiba, ndio haitakuwa karaha kuvitafuta pale unapovihitaji.
Mbinu nyingine za kuzuia mimba
Kuna chembe chembe za kimaumbile, zinazojulikana vyema kama homornes ambazo hutumiwa kutengeneza tembe au chanzo ya kuzuia mimba.
Chembe chembe hizi kwa jina maalum progestogen yaani mchanganiyko wa oestrogen na progestogen, huingizwa mwilini mwa mwanamke kwa mpangilio na kiwango maalum ili kuzuia mimba kutungwa.
Hufanya kazi kwa namna hii:
Kwa kuzuia ovari kuangua mayai
Kwa kuzuia mbegu za mwanamme kulifikia yai (kwa kufanya majimaji ua ukeni kuwa mazito na kunata hivyo kuzuia mbegu ya mwanamme kupenya)
Kwa kulizuia yai kujipachika kwenye kiota cha nyumba ya uzazi.
Tembe mchanganyiko - huwa ni kidonge cha dawa kilichotengenezwa kwa mchanganyiko wa chembe chembe za oestrogen na progestogen. Hii huzuia mimba kwa njia zote tatu tulizozitaja hapo juu na ikitumiwa itakikanavyo, vinategemewa kuzuia mimba kwa asilimia 99.
Tembe mchanganyiko
Tembe ni rahisi kutumia - Mradi tu unakumbuka kumeza vidonge kulingana na maagizo. Wakati mwengine pia huifanya hedhi, kupungua na kupunguza pia maumivu wakati wa hedhi. Lakini athari zinazoandamana na utumiaji wa vidonge hivyo ni pamoja na kuchafukwa na moyo, kuongezeka unzani, na athari mbaya zaidi ni iwapo itatokea hali ya kuganda kwa damu kwenye mishipa ya kupitisha damu.
Vidonge vya Progestogen pekee (POP) - Aina hii ya Tembe huitwa pia “mini pill” na huwa ina chembe chemba za progestogen pekee. Huzuia mimba kwa njia kama zile zile zinazozuia tembe za mchanganyiko, na ina utendaji kazi wa kati ya asilimia 96 na 99. Hata hivyo kama una uzani wa zaidi ya kilo 70 uwezo wake wa kuzuia mimba hupungua
Faida kuu ya kutumia vidonge hivi ni kwamba vina athari ndogo za kiafya. Lakini tatizo ni kuwa ni sharti tembe imezwe wakati ule ule kila siku , kama umechelewa basi isipitishe zaidi ya masaa matatu.
Sindano - Hii ni chanjo ya kuzuia mimba inayotengenezwa na chembe chembe hizo hizo za homoni ya progestogen. Tofauti na tembe, ambazo ni sharti kumeza moja kila siku,sindano pindi inapodungwa inakupa kinga dhidi ya mimba, kwa mda wa kati ya wiki nane hadi 12 kuambatana na aina inayotumiwa. Hudungwa takoni, na dawa kuingizwa ndani ya mishipa ya damu na ina uwezo wa kuzuia mimba kwa asilimia 99.
Faida kuu ya njia hii ya sindano, ni kwamba hutakuwa na wasiwasi wa kupata mimba unapofanya ngono, kwa mda wa angalau wiki nane au 12.
Lakini pia ina athari zake - ni kwamba huenda dawa hii ikavuruga mpangilio wako wa kawaida wa kupata hedhi, au ukatoka hedhi kiwango kisicho cha kawaida cha damu, au kwa mda mrefu, au hedhi ikapotea kabisa. Pia inaweza kusababisha kuongezeka uzani.
Homoni au Vidonge vya kupachika chini ya ngozi Hapa dawa kama ile ile ya tembe au chanjo, hutengenezwa na kuwekwa kwenye kifaa cha plastic mfano wa kijiti cha kiberiti. Hupachikwa ndani ya ngozi chini ya kwapa kwa kufanyiwa upasuaji mdogo. Hii ni njia ya mda mrefu ya kuzuia mimba. Inaaminika kuzuia mimba kwa aslimia 99 na inaweza kufanya kazi kwa mda wa hadi miaka mitatu.
Kuna aina nyenginezo za upangaji uzazi ambazo, ingawa kwa hali ya kawaida hazipendekezwi kwa vijana, si vibaya kuzijua.
Kitanzi au koili, ambacho kwa lugha ya kitaalam kinajulikana kama Intra-uterine device au IUD hutengenezwa kwa plastiki na shaba, na hupachikwa kwenye mfuko wa uzazi na daktari au muuguzi.
Vitanzi huanza kufanya kazi pindi kinapopachikwa. Hufanya kazi kwa njia mbili kuu. Kwanza, kwa kuzuia mbegu za kiume kutangamana na yai, na pili kuzuia yai kukubaliwa kujipachika ndani ya mfuko wa uzazi.
Kitanzi au koili kinakadiriwa kuzuia mimba kwa asilimia 98 na 99. Na pindi kikitolewa asili ya uwezo wa wanamke wa kushika mimba anapofanya ngono, unarudi vilevile.
Hata hivyo moja ya matatizo ya kitanzi ni kwamba vinaweza kuifanya hedhi yako kuwa nzito (damu kutoka nyingi) na pia huenda ukapatwa na maumivu, mara nyengine inaweza kutoka mahali kilipowekwa na kusukumwa nje ya mfuko wa uzazi.
Hivyo ni vyema kumuona daktari mara kwa mara ili kama imechomoka, ipachikwe tena vyema.
Njia asilia ya mpango wa uzazi.
Njia hii inahitaji makini sana kuitumia. Kwani inafanya kazi tu ikiwa wanamke anafanya mapenzi tu wakati ule ambao kiasilia hawezi kushika mimba.
Hii inawezekana kwa kutayarisha tarakimu za siku za hedhi, na kupima hali ya joto la mwili. Njia hii inahitaji uangalifu na uzoufu mkubwa – Kwa vile ni ya kubahatisha haipendkezwi kwa vijana ambao hawako tayari kupata mtoto.
Kwa bahati mbaya watu wengi hudhani kwamba kutoa uume kutoka ukeni, pindi tu kabla ya kufikia kilele cha kumwaga manii, ni moja ya njia za kuzuia mimba.
La sivyo kwani mara nyingi mbegu za kiume hutangulia kutoka hata kabla kufikia kilele katika hali ya kufanya mapenzi. Hivyo basi hata ukitoa uume huenda umeshachelewa!
Vasectomy au Tubuligation, Hii ndiyo njia pekee ya kudumu ya kuzuia mimba.
Vasectomy ni njia ya kumfanya mwanamme asiwe na uwezo wa kutunga mimba ilhali Tubuligation ni njia ya kumfanya mwanamke asiwe na uwezo wa kushika mimba. Hii inafanyika kwa njia ya upasuaji mdogo.
Mwanamme anafanyiwa upasuaji kwa kukata vibomba vinavyopitisha mbegu za kiume kutoka kwenye makende hadi kwenye uume. Upasuaji huu kwa mwanamke unahusisha kukatwa au kuzibwa kwa vibomba vinavyopitisha mayai kutoka kwa ovari hadi kwenye mfuko wa uzazi.
Baada ya upasuaji huu, ni vigumu mwanamke au mwanamme kurudishwa tena katika hali ya mwanzo ya kuweza kuzaa, kwa hivyo njia hii inatumiwa tu kwa sababu za kimatibabu au ikiwa mhusika amefikia uamuzi wa hakika kwamba hataki tena kupata watoto (zaidi).
Kitanzi cha Intra uterine system au IUS - Hiki nacho kimetengezwa kwa plastiki, yenye muundo wa T kikiwa na chechembe za homoni ya progestogen ndani. Kinaweza kupachikwa ndani ya mfuko wa uzazi na daktari au muuguzi.
Kitakapopachikwa, progestogen pole pole huingia ndani ya mwili, na kuzuia mimba katika njia ile ile kama vinavyozuia tembe. Kinaweza kutumika kwa mda wa miaka 5, na kinakadiriwa kuzuia mimba kwa asilimia 99.
Kitanzi cha IUS ni kizuri kwa wale walio na matatizo ya maumivu wakati wa hedhi, kwa sababu kinapopachikwa (ingawa wakati wa kupachikwa huenda ukapata maumivu kidogo) baadae husaidia kupunguza hedhi au hata kuisitisha kabisa, kutokana na homoni hizo za progestogen.
Madhara ya njia hii nayo ni kama, kuongeza uzani, kuumwa na kichwa, kutokwa na damu kusiko na mpango, na mabadiliko ya majira ya hedhi. Pia inaweza kuchopoka, hivyo itabidi kumwona muuguzi au daktari kila mwezi kuhakikisha kiko sawa.
Ni vyema kujadili juu ya aina mbalimbali za mpango wa uzazi ili kuchagua vyema. Daktari wako au muuguzi atakushauri ipasavyo.
Hata hivo kumbuka njia hizi za kuzuia mimba hutumiwa zaidi kwa minajili ya mpango wa uzazi, hivyo basi haziwezi kukukinga dhidi ya maambukiko ya virusi vya Ukimwi, au magonjwa mengine yayayosambazwa kupitia ngono.
Ni busara kutumia kondom kila unapofanya mapenzi na mtu ambaye afya yake ya uzazi huifahamu - Hakikisha pia unaufahamu vizuri jinsi ya kutumia kondom na unajua jinsi ya kufanya ngono salama kwa jumla.
Zimbabwe 'asks for cholera help'
Some 12,545 cholera cases have been recorded since August, the UN says
Zimbabwe's government has asked for urgent international help to tackle its cholera outbreak, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said.
At a meeting with aid agencies, Health Minister David Parirenyatwa is reported to have asked for medicine, equipment and funds to pay medical staff.
Cholera has killed at least 565 people in Zimbabwe since August, the UN says.
Ministers previously said the outbreak was under control. They blamed it on Western sanctions on President Mugabe.
On Wednesday, police in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, broke up a protest march by doctors and nurses angered at the worsening outbreak.
Witnesses said officers used batons to disperse and beat up the crowd of health workers. The authorities also prevented trade union members staging a protest over the country's banking meltdown.
Dr Malvern Nyamutora, vice president of the junior doctors' association, said they had asked for permission to protest but were denied.
They went ahead with the protest, but before they could put up their banners and placards "the brutal police force of Zimbabwe had pounced on us," he told the BBC's World Today programme.
One of his colleagues suffered a perforated eardrum after being hit by a baton.
"They just came, they didn't explain anything, they just said 'disperse' and started hitting everyone, and people were running around the streets of Harare."
Without water
At the aid meeting, Mr Parirenyatwa said his government needed water as well as sanitation equipment, the WHO's communications officer in Harare, Paul Garwood, told the BBC.
In some parts of town there is raw sewage running down streets
Harare diarist Esther
Harare diary: 'Too much to take'
'Water crisis hinders cholera fight'
"What the government has done today is request support and we're very keen to provide that support," he said.
"It was the first time where the minister has called all the parties together to detail all the needs of the government."
Mr Garwood added that the WHO had flown enough anti-cholera supplies and medicines to Harare that day to treat up to 2,000 moderate cases.
Some 12,545 cases of cholera have been recorded in Zimbabwe since August, according to the latest statement from the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Most of Zimbabwe's capital has been without water since Sunday.
See detailed map of affected areas
"In some parts of town there is raw sewage running down streets," BBC News website Harare diarist Esther says.
The spread of cholera has been aided by the collapse of Zimbabwe's health and sanitation systems amid a prolonged economic and political crisis.
Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that the Limpopo River, on Zimbabwe's border with South Africa, has been contaminated with cholera.
South African local health department spokesman Phuti Seloba has warned people not to use the river water at all.
Cases of cholera have been reported either side of Zimbabwe's borders with South Africa, Botswana and Mozambique.
The BBC's Peter Biles reports from the South African town of Musina, near the border with Zimbabwe, that cholera patients are being treated at an emergency centre on the lawn in front of the hospital.
One cholera victim from Harare told him that on Zimbabwe's side of the border, toilets had not functioned for a month, and people were "defecating everywhere".
Meanwhile Amnesty International said a human rights activist was abducted at dawn from her home in Norton, south of Harare, by a group of at least 12 armed plain-clothes men, who identified themselves as policemen.
The organisation challenged Zimbabwe's government immediately to disclose the whereabouts of Jestina Mukoko, who is the director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project.
The government has blamed its crisis on Western sanctions it says are aimed at trying to bring down President Robert Mugabe.
The health sector has been unable to cope with the cholera outbreak
But the sanctions imposed after allegations of electoral fraud and political violence are aimed at Mr Mugabe and his close associates and consist of travel bans and a freeze on their foreign assets.
Amid Zimbabwe's severe economic crisis, central bank governor Gideon Gono will lift import duty on basic goods, the state-run Herald newspaper reports.
"I believe this is the best Christmas present we can present to consumers this festive season," the Herald quotes him as saying.
The latest estimated annual inflation rate was 231,000,000%, and just one adult in 10 is thought to have a regular job.
Britney and Madonna Back on the Road Together?
Britney and Madonna Back on the Road Together?
Los Angeles (E! Online) – Remember when Britney Spears just showed up at Madonna's L.A. tour stop and sorta comatose-jiggled through a halfassed duet of "Human Nature"? Well, it's payback time!
We're hearing from inside musical spies that Madonna's planning on paying back her crazy little showbiz sis, Brit-Brit, and showing up at one of her upcoming concerts—too fierce and fab!
What could the duet possibly be they'd choose from Britney's eclectic song catalog? Their already existing job together, "Me Against the Music," would just be too insanely appropriate, and since both babes are far more into the shock factor than actually making beautiful music together, scratch that notion.
Instead, we're told a far more likely choice would be something along the lines of…
..."Womanizer," Britney's current brilliant and subversive comeback number; love it.
"Although it's Britney's trademark song right now, don't for sure count on her sharing it with Madonna," we're advised by Spears insiders.
Also, don't get too used to the notion of anything being totally duet-official right now; it's all in the early stages, and Madonna's camp is certainly being cautious at this point.
"I don't see this happening," Madonna's lioness gatekeeper, Liz Rosenberg, exclusively tells us. "Madonna is still on tour, but I'll let you know." Hmmm, how interesting.
First off, Liz likes to say things aren't true, emphatically so, when they are, e.g., Madonna was never going to get divorced. Second, the sort of brush-off entirely means Madonna just might do it; trust me on this. That is, if Ms. M. can steal herself away from that dude she's so busying trying to have another kid with, A-Rod.
Oh, and did L.R. just accidentally confirm the rumor that Madonna might extend her current tour, which is scheduled to stop as of Dec. 21 in Sรฃo Paulo, Brazil? The talk that Queen Madge is extending into Asia after that would surely seem all the more likely since Liz said Madonna's going to be busy touring during Brit's own tour, which doesn't even start till March 3, right? Right.
Britney and Madonna Back on the Road Together?
Britney and Madonna Back on the Road Together?
Los Angeles (E! Online) – Remember when Britney Spears just showed up at Madonna's L.A. tour stop and sorta comatose-jiggled through a halfassed duet of "Human Nature"? Well, it's payback time!
We're hearing from inside musical spies that Madonna's planning on paying back her crazy little showbiz sis, Brit-Brit, and showing up at one of her upcoming concerts—too fierce and fab!
What could the duet possibly be they'd choose from Britney's eclectic song catalog? Their already existing job together, "Me Against the Music," would just be too insanely appropriate, and since both babes are far more into the shock factor than actually making beautiful music together, scratch that notion.
Instead, we're told a far more likely choice would be something along the lines of…
..."Womanizer," Britney's current brilliant and subversive comeback number; love it.
"Although it's Britney's trademark song right now, don't for sure count on her sharing it with Madonna," we're advised by Spears insiders.
Also, don't get too used to the notion of anything being totally duet-official right now; it's all in the early stages, and Madonna's camp is certainly being cautious at this point.
"I don't see this happening," Madonna's lioness gatekeeper, Liz Rosenberg, exclusively tells us. "Madonna is still on tour, but I'll let you know." Hmmm, how interesting.
First off, Liz likes to say things aren't true, emphatically so, when they are, e.g., Madonna was never going to get divorced. Second, the sort of brush-off entirely means Madonna just might do it; trust me on this. That is, if Ms. M. can steal herself away from that dude she's so busying trying to have another kid with, A-Rod.
Oh, and did L.R. just accidentally confirm the rumor that Madonna might extend her current tour, which is scheduled to stop as of Dec. 21 in Sรฃo Paulo, Brazil? The talk that Queen Madge is extending into Asia after that would surely seem all the more likely since Liz said Madonna's going to be busy touring during Brit's own tour, which doesn't even start till March 3, right? Right.
Britney and Madonna Back on the Road Together?
Britney and Madonna Back on the Road Together?
Los Angeles (E! Online) – Remember when Britney Spears just showed up at Madonna's L.A. tour stop and sorta comatose-jiggled through a halfassed duet of "Human Nature"? Well, it's payback time!
We're hearing from inside musical spies that Madonna's planning on paying back her crazy little showbiz sis, Brit-Brit, and showing up at one of her upcoming concerts—too fierce and fab!
What could the duet possibly be they'd choose from Britney's eclectic song catalog? Their already existing job together, "Me Against the Music," would just be too insanely appropriate, and since both babes are far more into the shock factor than actually making beautiful music together, scratch that notion.
Instead, we're told a far more likely choice would be something along the lines of…
..."Womanizer," Britney's current brilliant and subversive comeback number; love it.
"Although it's Britney's trademark song right now, don't for sure count on her sharing it with Madonna," we're advised by Spears insiders.
Also, don't get too used to the notion of anything being totally duet-official right now; it's all in the early stages, and Madonna's camp is certainly being cautious at this point.
"I don't see this happening," Madonna's lioness gatekeeper, Liz Rosenberg, exclusively tells us. "Madonna is still on tour, but I'll let you know." Hmmm, how interesting.
First off, Liz likes to say things aren't true, emphatically so, when they are, e.g., Madonna was never going to get divorced. Second, the sort of brush-off entirely means Madonna just might do it; trust me on this. That is, if Ms. M. can steal herself away from that dude she's so busying trying to have another kid with, A-Rod.
Oh, and did L.R. just accidentally confirm the rumor that Madonna might extend her current tour, which is scheduled to stop as of Dec. 21 in Sรฃo Paulo, Brazil? The talk that Queen Madge is extending into Asia after that would surely seem all the more likely since Liz said Madonna's going to be busy touring during Brit's own tour, which doesn't even start till March 3, right? Right.
Britney and Madonna Back on the Road Together?
Britney and Madonna Back on the Road Together?
Los Angeles (E! Online) – Remember when Britney Spears just showed up at Madonna's L.A. tour stop and sorta comatose-jiggled through a halfassed duet of "Human Nature"? Well, it's payback time!
We're hearing from inside musical spies that Madonna's planning on paying back her crazy little showbiz sis, Brit-Brit, and showing up at one of her upcoming concerts—too fierce and fab!
What could the duet possibly be they'd choose from Britney's eclectic song catalog? Their already existing job together, "Me Against the Music," would just be too insanely appropriate, and since both babes are far more into the shock factor than actually making beautiful music together, scratch that notion.
Instead, we're told a far more likely choice would be something along the lines of…
..."Womanizer," Britney's current brilliant and subversive comeback number; love it.
"Although it's Britney's trademark song right now, don't for sure count on her sharing it with Madonna," we're advised by Spears insiders.
Also, don't get too used to the notion of anything being totally duet-official right now; it's all in the early stages, and Madonna's camp is certainly being cautious at this point.
"I don't see this happening," Madonna's lioness gatekeeper, Liz Rosenberg, exclusively tells us. "Madonna is still on tour, but I'll let you know." Hmmm, how interesting.
First off, Liz likes to say things aren't true, emphatically so, when they are, e.g., Madonna was never going to get divorced. Second, the sort of brush-off entirely means Madonna just might do it; trust me on this. That is, if Ms. M. can steal herself away from that dude she's so busying trying to have another kid with, A-Rod.
Oh, and did L.R. just accidentally confirm the rumor that Madonna might extend her current tour, which is scheduled to stop as of Dec. 21 in Sรฃo Paulo, Brazil? The talk that Queen Madge is extending into Asia after that would surely seem all the more likely since Liz said Madonna's going to be busy touring during Brit's own tour, which doesn't even start till March 3, right? Right.